2013-2016 Project Phase
The community focus during this time was to build the capability and capacity of a One Health Early Warning Network. The objectives of the project were to achieve: integration of information and intelligence sources; collaborative analysis of information via a shared platform (CNPHI); and timely distribution of intelligence products.
2016 - 2018 Implementation Phase
A key priority of the implementation phase was to establish reliable production of the weekly intelligence report. CEZD partners worked hard to improve our technological capability to produce intelligence, and our capacity by engaging more experts in the community activities.
2018 - Present Sustainability Phase
Long term network sustainability depends on ongoing partner support in CEZDs various activities and reports as well as the effective use of resources. Since 2018, the partners have focused on expanding CEZD’s processes, and strengthening relationships.
View history details
Who Were the Founding Members
At the completion of the CEZD project phase there were 59 members of the community. The CEZD members included experts in both public and animal health, in government, industry and academia.
Community Growth
With investment in both the capability and capacity of the network, the community now has 485 members; 264 are passive consumers of the report whereas 221 are community members who actively engage in the various CEZD activities.
Community Funding
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency funds the CEZD Core Team, and the Public Health Agency of Canada provides the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence platform and the Knowledge Integration using Web Based Intelligence technology. CEZD partners provide their time and expertise to create the collective intelligence we strive to achieve.
Connection Across Networks to Improve Early Warning
The community continues to grow, and regularly connects with members of other networks to enhance our national early warning system within Canada.
View more details about the Partners
CEZD Annual Report Infographic 2023-2024
CEZD Annual Report Infographic 2022-2023
Annual performance report of the Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases 2022-2023
Who can join the community?
If you have expertise in animal health, public health or environmental health, and want to join a virtual network of collaborators to share information on emerging risks, please contact us and let us know about your interest in participation.
What are the types of membership?
Passive Members: Receive weekly intelligence reports
Active Members: Receive weekly intelligence reports and group notifications of items of interest, receive and send ping polls, attend monthly calls and webinars, provide feedback on CEZD direction going forward.
Active members are professionals that are eligible to access to the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence to rate signals for the community.
Contact us for more Information